February Reading Wrap-up
This month got the best of me, but here’s my February Reading Wrap-up. I didn’t keep the voracious reading appetite from January, but I’m still proud of what I was able to read, especially because I loved several of the books.

February was a short month, and my reading definitely showed it. The cold air also gave me bronchospasms for the first two weeks, so I wasn’t much in the mood to read when I was struggling to breathe. I also wrote 32k in a first draft, so writing definitely took most of my focus.
I did manage to finish ten books though, and I’m over halfway to my yearly goal of 50 books read. Four of them were client books, and the other six were personal reading. As mentioned in my January Wrap-up, the client books aren’t counted in the page count, ratings, or genre breakdown on StoryGraph.
Surprisingly, I didn’t have a 5-star read this month, but Our Infinite Fates, Love Radio, and This Could Be Us came close. I loved them all for different reasons, and I would definitely recommend them.

I didn’t get to read as much nonfiction this month, but I have two I’m currently reading and will probably finish in March, so stay tuned for that wrap-up at the end of the month. I also wasn’t in a big mood to read physically, so digital books were my saving grace.

And though I read four of the books on my TBR, there were still four I didn’t get to finish. Two of them (Faye and the City in the Sea and Good Material) I never got a chance to get to, and two of them (Something Cheeky and I Think They Love You) I started but didn’t get the chance to finish before the month was over. I’ll be bringing some of them over to my March TBR.