2021 Reading Goals surrounded by stars and an open book

My 2021 Reading Goals

Happy New Year!!! I can’t believe it’s another year already, but I’m excited for all the opportunities this year will hold. In 2020, I read 21x books and had a great reading year after barely reading for fun in college the past four years. This year I don’t have any lofty goals really, but I do have some new ideas for how to get the most out of what I’m reading. Without further ado, here are my 2021 reading goals.

Yearly Goal: 100 books

My personal goal in 2020 was 52 books and my GR goal was 100 (because it was auto set to that, and I never changed it). Although I read over 200 books in 2020, I think it might have been a fluke, so I wanted to set my goal for something I know is attainable.

Yearly Goal: Read 6 books recommended by my mother

I was supposed to start a segment in 2020 where I read books recommended by my mom, but I only got to one of them. So this year, I’ve made it an actual goal. She already picked the books she wants me to read, so stay tuned for some content about that. We have very different reading tastes, so it should be very interesting.

Monthly Goal: Read 1 Indigenous book

Erin and Dani’s book club chose an Indigenous memoir as the book each month for 2021, so hopefully I can keep on track and read the book every month. I’m also going to make sure I have a list of books I can read if I’m not able to easily get a copy of the book or want to include some fiction in the mix (I have an ARC of The FireKeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley about a Native American teen, and I cannot wait to read it).

Monthly Goal: Read 5 backlist books

So backlist isn’t exactly what I mean, but it most closely conveys the idea I’m going for. I have a lot of unread books that I got in 2020 (I’m looking at you especially Book of the Month), so as I inevitably add more books to my shelves this year, I want to make sure I’m not just collecting books. I want the books to be already released books, especially older ones, so upcoming releases don’t count toward this goal.

Extra: Take bookstagram photos in batches and caption in advance

So this isn’t exactly a reading goal, but it’s one of my big book related goals for the year. I usually end up taking photos for booksta the hour before I post and think up the caption then which is slightly stressful and not sustainable. So I want to really start planning in advance and doing the mind work for captions early, so I can just post and go. Also, I have a lot of cool cover recreation ideas for 2021, so I definitely am going to have plan pics further in advance.

Extra: Post on my blog weekly

Another book related goal I have is to be more consistent on my blog. I’m really happy with the content I published in 2020, especially since I was working on the presidential election nonstop and did not have a lot of free time. I know I can do even better this year though, and I have a lot of great ideas floating around in my head, so I definitely want to post here at least once a week, possibly more.

These are my 2021 reading goals. What are your reading goals for 2021? Are you doing anything to be held accountable for them like book clubs or groups?

2021 Reading Goals in an image

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